8. Programação

Introdução a Ciência da Computação em C

8.1. Automação em Laboratório

ASTM E1989-98 (LECIS) - The New Instrument Control Standard

DogRobot: A Home C4ISR System

Bio Labware Review

8.2. Python

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3

Welcome to Head First Learn to Code

Parallelizing a for-loop in Python

8.3. Lua

Manual de Referência de Lua 5.2

Programming in Lua (first edition)

Fun with Lua

Learn Lua from JavaScript, part 1: An introduction to Lua

8.4. Shell

Aprendendo Shell script

Workshop Programação Shell Linux - Parte 1

Workshop Programação Shell Linux - Parte 2

Workshop Programação Shell Linux - Parte 3

Working with data streams on the Linux command line

8.5. OpenCV

Scanner 3D com Leite

8.6. Tcl/Tk

Tcl/Tk - Developer's Guide - Third Edition - Clif Flynt

Object Oriented Programming in Tcl

8.7. Máquina de Estados


Máquina de estado - Embarcados

8.8. Programação Probabilística


What is probabilistic programming?

8.9. Algoritmos Genéticos

Tutorial Algoritmos Genéticos

8.10. GIT

Getting started with Git

8.11. Processamento de Imagens

MacroImager - A raspberry pi based cereal phenotyping device

ufraw - importador autônomo de imagens não processadas de câmeras

Capture raw image from V4L (webcam) device

avconv / ffmpeg webcam capture while using minimum CPU processing

Reading output of a USB webcam in Linux

Ffmpeg - Capture webcam

Using webcams for Astrophotography in Linux

Bayer filter - Wikipedia

8.12. Ciência de Dados

Data Science Lab

How to put a list into a SQLite datbase

8.13. Banco de Dados

Modelagem de Dados - Projeto Prático - Identificando Entidades, Atributos e Relacionamentos

8.14. IoT

Web of Things - First Hands-on

IoT da Amazon - AWS

6 open source home automation tools

Conhecendo o SerialPlot

8.15. Scratch

Scratch Cat goes skiing scratch

Snowball fight

8.16. Reconhecimento de Voz (Speech to Text)

Speech recognition software for Linux - Wikipedia

C-3PO the Master Teacher

Simon - An open source speech recognition program

Intelligent personal assistant

Lucida: Infrastructure for Emerging Intelligent Web Services

Jasper - Control anything with your voice

Adrian is an open source virtual assistant created for the Raspberry Pi

Mycroft - An Open Source Artificial Intelligence for Everyone

Text To Speech, Speech Recognition

OpenSTT - An Open Source Speech To Text Project

PocketSphinx is a lightweight speech recognition engine, specifically tuned for handheld and mobile devices, though it works equally well on the desktop

Julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine

Kaldi - Toolkit for speech recognition written in C++ and licensed under the Apache License v2.0.

8.17. Inteligência Artificial

Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained

Get started with machine learning using Python

Clean Water AI

A Binary Release for TensorFlow on the Raspberry Pi

Deep Learning with Raspberry Pi Explored

8.18. Linux

Inter-process communication in Linux: Using pipes and message queues